
Statement about Race

June 12, 2020

The American Theological Society condemns all forms of racial injustice, including theological forms of racial injustice. Theological forms of racial injustice are encountered and incited whenever churches, religious gathering places, and theological institutions and organizations align themselves against the advancement of black people and/or refrain from taking an ethical position on racial matters under the guise of color blindness. In response to the murder of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis, we endorse the public outcry and embrace the anger we feel in response to yet another incident of black suffering that is indicative of the persistence of oppressive systems and structures. Our Society affirms our resolve to address race as a theological problem and to cooperate with black theologians and audiences in our theological investigation of social justice and racial reconciliation.

Executive Committee of the American Theological Society

Cheryl J. Sanders, President

Cynthia Crysdale, Vice-President

James Evans, Jr., Past President

Jacqueline E. Lapsley, Secretary

John D. Dadosky, Treasurer

John E. Thiel, Program Director

Jeannine Hill Fletcher, Member-at-Large

Benjamin Valentin, Member-at-Large

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